An INVESTIGATION is a large array of knowledge, methods, techniques, tools and diverse approaches to resolve problems and find solutions.

A RESEARCH can help resolve due diligence tasks, determine criminal affiliations, find lawsuits, locate assets, identify the current residence, locate individuals, find businesses, determine the financial situation, locate social media accounts, etc.

SURVEILLANCE has an intrusive element, but both necessary and effective in order to determine an individual’s daily activities, validate limitations and physical abilities following an accident as well as to identify the source of income.

THE INTERVIEW consists of meeting people of interest, collect their versions of the facts and learn about the main individual of the investigation in order to understand his intentions and his personal characteristics.


Each file is a unique case that requires a personalized approach. Whether you need to unmask a fraudulent action, carry out a reputation investigation, perform a backgrounds check, find assets, locate an individual, establish links between people, validate the veracity of the facts, conduct surveillance and collect video evidence, we have tools, knowledge and qualified investigators to meet these demands. Objective: allow our clients make informed decisions based on our work.

All of our investigation services are offered to corporate and individual clients


All personal, sensitive and confidential information has a dispersive characteristic. Even if at the source, the information may seem to be inaccessible, it frequently occurs to find the same data at third parties for whom it does not represent the primary interest. Our expertise in information gathering and OSINT capabilities allow us to gather a rich range of information to help advance investigations.


Surveillance is an investigative tool that can supplement a file by documenting various daily activities with video and photographic evidence. We rely on this method when it is the only option to find items that cannot be obtained by any other means. All observed activities are documented in a daily report and accompanied by high-definition video evidence.


We have developed our own “Datamine” search engine. The tool makes it possible to carry out cross-searches, cross-reference results with other data points and establish links between different types of information.

Initially the tool was designed for research purposes, but proved being valuable to provide new leads for ongoing investigations, answer strategic questions as well as being used for cybersecurity. Regardless of the protective measures taken within an organization, this tool is able to demonstrate the dangers of cyberspace as well as inspire to strengthen security by revealing vulnerabilities based on the human factor.

The presentation is only available to large companies and government agencies.